Men’s Events
We run a range of men’s events, typically a couple each term. Recently we’ve enjoyed a curry night, a quiz, a games night, a barbeque, to name but a few. These events provide a great chance to spend time together and to get to know one another better. These events are also great places to invite friends to come to too. For the next men’s event please check our calendar.

Ladies Bible Study
Midweek Bible Study
On Tuesdays during term time our Ladies' Bible Study meets, 10am-11:30am. We start with Tea, Coffee and a chance to catch up. Then we split to groups to study the Bible together. Whether you’ve been reading the Bible for years, or whether you’ve never read the Bible, all ladies are welcome to come.
Ladies' Breakfast
We also have a Saturday morning group once a month for those who cannot come to the weekly Tuesday group. They meet on the first Saturday of the month, 8-9:30am for breakfast and Bible study.
Gateway is our Home Group for people new to Beccles Baptist Church. The group is designed for people who have newly become members or people considering membership at church. As with the other Home Groups, we meet fortnightly. At our meetings we spend time catching up, we study the Bible and we pray together. If you’d like to join Gateway please contact Tom Fenning (our pastor) who leads this group along with his wife Emily.
Home Groups
Our Home Groups are small groups that meet every other Thursday at 7:30pm. In a large church it’s important that we are part of a small groups that enable us to form strong relationships - and Home Groups enable us to do this. Our Home Groups meet to grow in relationships with each other and to grow in our relationship with God, through studying the Bible and praying together. We encourage people new to our church to join our Gateway Home Group.