Sunday Services
Sunday Morning Service
We meet every Sunday at 10:30am to praise God, speak to him in prayer and hear what he has to say to us. A typical morning service consists of 5-6 songs (a mixture of traditional and modern), prayers and a talk from the Bible.
There are groups for children from 0-14 years every week. These are led by experienced and committed volunteers. All children start in the service. After we’ve sung one or two songs, we have a 5-minute children’s talk then the children head out to their groups. See our below for more information.
If you aren’t used to going to church, you’ll find everything is explained and you are under no obligation to take part in anything you’d find uncomfortable. Church leaders are always on hand to answer any questions you have after the service.
The morning service typically ends a little before 12pm. At the end of the service tea and coffee are served and there’s plenty of time to talk with people.
Sunday Evening Service
Our 6:30pm service is another opportunity for people of all ages to gather together. The service includes time singing praise to God, normally 5-6 songs (a mixture of traditional and modern), speaking to God in prayer, reading the Bible and hearing it preached.
The service ends between 7:45pm & 8pm. After the service has ended there’s tea and coffee and many people stay around to talk together.
Preaching the Bible
Central to our Sunday services is clear and engaging teaching from the Bible. Our commitment to preaching stems from the conviction that when God’s word is preached, in dependence on the Spirit, God’s voice is heard.

On Sundays Babies and young children, aged 0-4, are looked after in the creche during the morning service. There are lots of toys to play with and some snacks to enjoy. A team of volunteers runs this group, meaning parents don’t need to stay out of the service with their children. For the older children there is a story from the Bible and a craft to complete.
Parents are invited to take their children out to creche after about 20-25 minutes of the morning service. Then after the morning service ends they are able to collect their children from the creche.

Climbers - Sunday School
Climbers is our Sunday school class for 4s-7s (school years R-2). It runs during our morning services. The children are taught the Bible in an age-appropriate setting. There are are crafts, games and snacks. The group is run by a dedicated team of volunteers.
The young people head out to Sunday School after about 15-20 minutes of the morning service. Then after the morning service ends parents are asked to collect their children from the group.

Explorers - Sunday School
Explorers is our Sunday school class for 7s-11s (school years 3-6). It runs during our morning services. The children are taught the Bible in an age-appropriate setting. There are are crafts, games and snacks. The group is run by a dedicated team of volunteers.
The young people head out to Sunday School after about 15-20 minutes of the morning service. Then after the morning service ends parents are asked to collect their children from the group.

Prayer Meeting
We meet for our church prayer meeting fortnightly on Thursday evenings. This is a significant mid-week meeting in the life of the church. We begin our meeting by singing a couple of songs before we then have a short talk (10-15 minutes) from the Bible to help us pray. The majority of our time is spent praying. We pray for groups and activities at the church, for people and for things further afield.
At the end of our prayer meetings we enjoy tea and coffee and time to catch up before heading home.