On Sundays Babies and young children, aged 0-4, are looked after in the creche during the morning service. There are lots of toys to play with and some snacks to enjoy. A team of volunteers runs this group, meaning parents don’t need to stay out of the service with their children. For the older children there is a story from the Bible and a craft to complete.
Parents are invited to take their children out to creche after about 20-25 minutes of the morning service. Then after the morning service ends they are able to collect their children from the creche.

Climbers - Sunday School
Climbers is our Sunday school class for 4s-7s (school years R-2). It runs during our morning services. The children are taught the Bible in an age-appropriate setting. There are are crafts, games and snacks. The group is run by a dedicated team of volunteers.
The young people head out to Sunday School after about 15-20 minutes of the morning service. Then after the morning service ends parents are asked to collect their children from the group.

Explorers - Sunday School
Explorers is our Sunday school class for 7s-11s (school years 3-6). It runs during our morning services. The children are taught the Bible in an age-appropriate setting. There are are crafts, games and snacks. The group is run by a dedicated team of volunteers.
The young people head out to Sunday School after about 15-20 minutes of the morning service. Then after the morning service ends parents are asked to collect their children from the group.